Convert to Employee Samples

How to Convert Harvest Materials or Concentrate Materials to Employee Samples

Employee Samples do no go through a manifesting process. These samples are only adjusted in the system.

  1. From the Dashboard select Inventory.
    • Use filters on Inventory such as Lab Result Tested, Product, Variety, and Section to narrow down the active inventory. Lot::Convert-Employee-Samples01
  2. Select the Inventory Lot ID for the input Lot that will be used to convert an output Lot. Lot::Convert-Employee-Samples02
  3. Select Convert. Lot::Convert-Employee-Samples03
  4. Pick a Product (the output) from the dropdown list.
    • If the product does not exist then Create a new Product using the green + button.
  5. Select the Variety name for the output Lot. Lot::Convert-Employee-Samples05
  6. Select the Section where the output Lot will go. Lot::Convert-Employee-Samples06
  7. Enter the Package Count or Bulk Weight depending on the output product chosen.
    • Use the Magic Wand to auto-fill all of the available weight. Lot::Convert-Employee-Samples07
  8. Select the Lab Result status. Lot::Convert-Employee-Samples08
  9. Check that your Source Lots and Output Lots weights are correct.
  10. Select Convert. Lot::Convert-Employee-Samples09