Upload a COA

How to manually upload a COA pdf from an Inventory View page

  1. From the Dashboard select Inventory. Lot::Upload-COA01
  2. Select the blue Lot ID of the Lot requiring COA certificate upload. Lot::Upload-COA02
  3. Select the blue Lab Result ID link or orange COA button to open the Lab Report page for the selected Lot. Lot::Upload-COA03
  4. Select the orange COA button. Lot::Upload-COA04
  5. Find and select the file to upload. Lot::Upload-COA05
  6. Select Upload. Lot::Upload-COA06
  7. Select Lot ID under Linked Inventory. Lot::Upload-COA07
  8. Select Publish to publish the certificate. Lot::Upload-COA08
  9. When the COA button is blue then the certificate is published. Lot::Upload-COA09