Convert End Product to Vendor Samples

How to convert Retail/End Product to Vendor Sample. Use to create samples for vendors from existing, finished ready-for-retail products.

  1. From the Dashboard select Inventory. Lot::Convert-End-Product-to-Vendor-Sample01
  2. Find and select the Checkbox for the end product/packaged product that will be used to convert to Vendor Samples. Lot::Convert-End-Product-to-Vendor-Sample02
    • Use filters such as Lab Result Tested, Product, Variety, and Section to narrow down the active inventory. Lot::Convert-End-Product-to-Vendor-Sample03 Lot::Convert-End-Product-to-Vendor-Sample04
    • An alternative method to choosing a filter is to start from the Dashboard and scroll to the Inventory Overview and select a Product or Section.
  3. Select ...More. Lot::Convert-End-Product-to-Vendor-Sample05
  4. Select Convert. Lot::Convert-End-Product-to-Vendor-Sample06
  5. Pick a Vendor Sample output product to convert the material into.
    • If the product does not exist then create a new Product using the green + button.
    • Examples: "Vendor Sample Flower 1g", ".5g Wax Vendor Sample", "Vendor Sample: Flower 1g", etc. Lot::Convert-End-Product-to-Vendor-Sample07
  6. Enter a Package Count for the output lot. Lot::Convert-End-Product-to-Vendor-Sample08
  7. Fill out the remaining details (Variety, Section, Lab Result.)
  8. Select Convert. Lot::Convert-End-Product-to-Vendor-Sample09