Generate Lab Report

How to Generate a Lab Report for Publishing Lab Results

  1. From the Dashboard select the Toolkit dropdown. Lab-Portal::Generate-Report01
  2. Select Connect under Lab Portal. Lab-Portal::Generate-Report02
  3. Select Samples. Lab-Portal::Generate-Report03
  4. Select a Sample ID. Lab-Portal::Generate-Report04
  5. Scroll down to Lab Results and checkbox all the Results to include in the Report. Spot check all Results before selecting Report.
  6. Select Report to generate a report with all checked Lab Results. Lab-Portal::Generate-Report05
  7. Select Commit to commit the Report. Lab-Portal::Generate-Report06
  8. Select DELETE to delete the Report. Lab-Portal::Generate-Report07
  9. Select Share (blue) to publish the Report. Share button will turn green after a page refresh. Lab-Portal::Generate-Report08
  10. Download Down Arrow button to View, Download, or Copy the COA (PDF), CCRS (CSV), or WCIA (JSON) information. Lab-Portal::Generate-Report09