In-App Scanner Overview

NOTE: In-app scanner available to use on any camera-enabled Smart Phone, Tablet, or Laptop/Computer

Method 1: Scan using the in-app scanner

  1. From the Dashboard select Scan. Dashboard::Scan01
  2. Select the green Camera icon to open the scanner. Dashboard::Scan02
  3. Select "Allow" to allow camera access.
  4. Scan a Barcode/QR Code. Dashboard::Scan03

Handheld Scanner Overview

Method 2: Setup and Scan using a Handheld Scanner

  1. From the Dashboard select Scan.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select a scanning device from the first dropdown menu.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Select Start Page-Input Test.
  6. Scan a Barcode/QR Code.
  7. Select Start Form-Input Test.
  8. Scan a Barcode/QR Code.
  9. If everything scans correctly you can exit the page and start scanning.