Archive a Section

How to Archive a Section

Method 1:

  1. From the OpenTHC Dashboard select Gears. Config::Section-Archive01
  2. Select Settings. Config::Section-Archive02
  3. Select Section. Config::Section-Archive03
  4. Select the Green Checkbox button to Archive a Section. Config::Section-Archive04
  5. To view archived Sections select Show Archive. Config::Section-Archive05
  6. Select the grey Ban button to un-archive a Section. Config::Section-Archive06

Method 2:

  1. From the OpenTHC Dashboard select Gears. Config::Section-Archive07
  2. Select Settings. Config::Section-Archive08
  3. Select Section. Config::Section-Archive09
  4. Select a Section Name. Config::Section-Archive10
  5. Select the grey Archive button to archive a Section. Config::Section-Archive11
  6. Select the green Un-Archive button to un-archive a Section. Config::Section-Archive12