Edit Contact Information on a Manifest

Edit or add contact information for Seller and Buyer.

Video coming soon...

Edit or add the Seller's email address and phone number:

  1. From the Open THC Dashboard go to Sales. B2B-Sales::Contact-Edit01
  2. Select an Outgoing Transfer ID. B2B-Sales::Contact-Edit02
  3. In the Sold By section type select the edit button. B2B-Sales::Contact-Edit03
  4. Make changes to email or phone and then Save. B2B-Sales::Contact-Edit04

Edit or add the Buyer's (Purchaser's) email address and phone number:

  1. In the Sold To section type in an email address and phone number. B2B-Sales::Contact-Edit05
  2. Select the floppy disc save button to the right of any entry you change. B2B-Sales::Contact-Edit06