Transfer Vendor Samples

How to Transfer Vendor Samples

  1. From the Dashboard select Sales. B2B-Sales::Outgoing-Vendor-Sample01
  2. Select Create to start a new B2B Sale. B2B-Sales::Outgoing-Vendor-Sample02
  3. Select + Add Inventory. B2B-Sales::Outgoing-Vendor-Sample03
  4. Select a Lot ID or checkbox each Lot that needs to go on the B2B Sale.
    • Use filters such as Product, Variety, and Section to narrow down the selection. B2B-Sales::Outgoing-Vendor-Sample04
  5. Select Ship B2B-Sales::Outgoing-Vendor-Sample05
  6. Type in a Name, License or Address for the receiving company. B2B-Sales::Outgoing-Vendor-Sample06
  7. Enter the Driver, Vehicle, and Depart/Arrive Time and review all details. B2B-Sales::Outgoing-Vendor-Sample07
  8. Select the Modifier dropdown and select Vendor Sample for each Lot listed. B2B-Sales::Outgoing-Vendor-Sample08
  9. Type in a quantity to be shipped in the Shipping column for each Lot listed. B2B-Sales::Outgoing-Vendor-Sample09
  10. Select Create Manifest to finalize the B2B Sale. B2B-Sales::Outgoing-Vendor-Sample10